2000 BC

2000 BC is an abandoned project. A very close friend of mine, Oliver Wirjadi, and I started programming at the the age of fifteen. We produced small programs that did stupid things, believing that someday we would find our place among computer scientists. For one of us -- not me -- this has become reality: Oliver is now studying Informatik at the Technical University of Berlin.

The name is maybe the only thing worth explaining: One of the first amateur programs we got our hands on demanded professional recognition by having the futuristic name xyz 2000. (No comment on Microsoft's Windows 2000...) We found the program to be so despicably bad, to be honest, of the same quality we could have programmed right then and there. We decided, in a moment of self-irony, to append to the names of all our programs "2000 BC". We stuck to the name despite our belief that the programs had gotten better. Now, looking back on things, I'm quite happy that we never took suffix away....

What you can download here are the more productive fruits of our labor. Use without warranty and enjoy!

PingPong v3.0

The one and only piece of software which I would still be proud to present is a game of PingPong. Clean, wholesome fun for the whole family!

BenFract v12.0.1

Standard Mandelbrot This fractal generator was created as part of a school project. The assignment was to create a small program that draws, based on compile-time parameters, a mandelbrot fractal. A command-line, no extras, easy and boring no-good program. This was, by no means enough for me, and so I sat down and extended this program "a bit".

Red Mandelbrot Finishing the regular assignment ahead of time, I went on to add the possibility to enter parameters at run-time. Cumbersome zooming functions were added. Selection between a Mandelbrot and Julia set was added. A few mathematical speedups became interesting, and were implemented. Symmetrical drawing as a half-the calculation-time speed-up was added. Then came the menus, starting with arrow-key support, developed into a fully functional, menu-driven, user friendly interface.

Zooming Mandelbrot Support for smaller-than-resolution fractals, and the saving of calculated fractals into a propitary fractal file was implemented. Soon bitmap (BMP) files were supported. Now different palettes were added, and the saving of them.

Green Julia In version 10.0 SEQUENCE GENERATION ran successfully. That means you can not just zoom in, but fly in, into your own animated fractal sequence!!! These sequences can be saved and converted to BMP files, for later editing.

3D fractals became a challenge, but not for long: they are now an everyday experience for BenFract users.

SkiManager v5.1

Hauptmenü Dieses Programm dient der Verwaltung und Vermietung von Ski und Skischuhen. SkiManager läuft auf allen PCs, egal wie alt. SkiManager lockt mit einer einfachen intuitiven Bedienung. Demo Version. Die Vollversion ist kostenlos auf Nachfrage erhältlich.

Ausleihe Skiverwaltung